[Rovernet] Merry Christmas

Webmaster RCCA webmaster.rovercarclubaust at gmail.com
Fri Dec 25 20:32:41 EST 2015

Peter H
Rover Car Club of Australia Inc

On 26 December 2015 at 11:47, British Rover via Rovernet
<rovernet at rovernet.org> wrote:
> And a "Blessed New Year" for everyone! As in 2016, it would be Nice if
> a Facebook Site could be established by soneone who has the time, and
> clever ability to set it up like an individual, as maybe "John Net
> Rover" or the like! It is so fast and Easy to jump on it, post photos,
> and trade information! Even Chat back and forth. Just a thought, and a

A suggestion. I administer the Australian Rover 75/MGZT Group as well
as participate in our local Rover SD1 Group and UK 75/ZT group.

I would suggest do not set it up as an individual, the way to go is a
Closed Group set up, that way posts are relevant only to the group
from group members, you do not get posts of friends of friends etc
cluttering up your FB page with unnecessary stuff. A closed group
means the person who sets it up does have to approve members joining,
but from my experience I don't think it takes a great deal of time.

If any volunteer needs some assistance happy to help.

Peter H
Rover Car Club of Australia Inc

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