[Rovernet] Rovernet Feedback

Alan Francis 4lanfrancis at gmail.com
Tue Jan 25 03:13:15 EST 2022

Thanks Roland



On Mon, Jan 24, 2022 at 5:36 PM Roland Young via Rovernet <
rovernet at rovernet.org> wrote:

> Alan, yes, please by all means you may use my story. I hope you can
> correct my misspellings though. LOL! Thanks everyone for the encouragement.
> Roland
> On Monday, January 24, 2022, 06:16:12 AM PST, Alan Francis via Rovernet <
> rovernet at rovernet.org> wrote:
> Roland,
> Great story and a part of the world known very well to myself as you were
> lucky enough to pass very close to Selhurst Park, the home of the
> mighty Crystal Palace Football Club. :) May I use your story, with an
> appropriate acknowledgement, in my "Rovernet History" feature I'm writing
> for the P6 Club magazine?Roverpart is still trading via Ebay though he
> closed the shop some time ago and trades from his house in South Croydon
> about four miles away. His username is Roverpart_of_London
> *Glen Wilson* if you're reading this I'd still like to get something down
> about the radio interview I managed to arrange when you were trying to find
> the history of your P4 about 18 years ago, are you still planning to get
> something to me? No great hurry, I'm aiming for the June issue so I would
> like to finish the article early May. Plus any other anecdotes of course.
> *Lance Le Certe *I'm afraid Wadhams does have a fantastic ability to
> polarize opinions and there seems to be no middle ground. The divisions
> really are complete opposites with some, like yourself experiencing poor
> service and/or parts with others saying what a great experience they've had
> and how good his parts are.
> No easy answers other than taking your business elsewhere.
> Best Regards
> Alan Francis
> On Sun, Jan 23, 2022 at 12:34 AM Roland Young via Rovernet <
> rovernet at rovernet.org> wrote:
> Hi rover folks! My memory was jogged back when Wadhams was mentioned
> recently. I thought I would tell my Rover Adventure as I do not believe
> I've ever mentioned it. Here we go.
> It was around 2000 and was going to visit London, meeting up with my wife
> that was on a business trip to India and then the UK. One of the places I
> wanted to visit was Roverpart of London. We it was time for me to go, my
> wife asked me to take on of the kids with me and she would take the other
> to Harrod's. Ok, so with young child in tow, I went down to the train
> station and bought a couple of BR tickets. I asked the platform agent which
> track for Norwood Junction and he asked, "What do you want to go there
> for?" My daughter gave me the side eye at that time. We arrived in NJ and
> went looking for Whitehorse Lane and came upon Roverpart of London. I spoke
> to the owner (Mark?) and bought quite a few things, Rover 3L Brochure,
> amber turn lenses (my red ones were faded and the amber ones were 1/2 the
> price. I also bought a replacement steering wheel. The owner, told me to
> hurry, it was starting to get dark and that I should return to the train
> station. He mentioned how surprised his wife was in moving there as she had
> come from Cornwall. I guess Cornwall is a less gritty town. We did get on
> the train before dark and we got many quzzical looks from other passengers
> while we sat there holding a steering wheel.
> Fast forward to going back to the states: Seems there were a lot of issues
> with BA that day and that our luggage was going to be on a separate flight
> and if I can identify 3 items in my luggage so they can get it back to me.
> He stopped me at steering wheel. Yes, we were reunited with our luggage. It
> was a very good trip as I was able to go to the autojumble at Ally Pally
> that trip and we went to Lemington Spa so we could go to the History Museum
> in Gaydon. We stayed at the "Manor Inn"(?). That was also funny as we took
> a bus from Lemington Spa and dropped off at the entrance to the Museum.
> It's probably a 1/4 mile from the road to the museum and the site of the
> four of us walking on the road. The guards felt bad for us and give us a
> ride in a golfcart to the entrance. I wish I had more time there as I spent
> some time looking up my 3L and found it in the books and ordered the build
> sheet. I also bought "In The Rover Tradition" video. On the way back we
> could not remember which direction we came from, so my wife and oldest
> stayed on one side of the road and my youngest and I stayed on the other.
> We flagged down a bus and he told us it's not an offical stop and that if
> we were still there on his way back he would pick us up. He did and we made
> it back to Lemington Spa safe and sound. Hope I didn't bore everyone.
> Cheers.
> Roland
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